We are an NHS Community Pharmacy serving the people of Carshalton.
Premises GPhC Number. 1036463Realising you have a problem with alcohol is the first big step to getting help.
You may need help if:
Getting the right support can be crucial to maintaining control in the future. Only relying on family, friends or carers for this often is not enough.
Ask our Pharmacist about what longer term support is available in your area. Self-help or mutual aid groups (groups such as AA or SMART Recovery groups) are accessible in most areas.
A pharmacist is another health expert you can turn to for asthma advice and support and you usually don't need an appointment. As well as your GP or asthma nurse, your local pharmacist is another highly trained healthcare professional who can answer questions about your asthma. If you have any concerns about your asthma, you can just walk into our pharmacy and ask to see the pharmacist.
This is useful because:
Ask the pharmacist how to get the best from your asthma medicines. You can ask your pharmacist about the asthma medicines you've been prescribed. This is useful if you have concerns about things like side effects, using your inhaler, or your inhaler not working properly.
You can also ask about any over-the-counter medicines you're taking to help your asthma, such as anti-histamines for hay fever.
Whether its preparing for the arrival of your newborn, or you already are a parent you will find everything you need in our mother and baby ranges. We have everything from nappies and baby wipes to shampoo shields, baby food and baby clothes.
We know being a parent can be challenging at times, if you need any help or advice please speak to our pharmacist.
Please call us or ask in-store for details.
Check your blood pressure
The only way of knowing whether you have high blood pressure is to have a blood pressure test.
All adults over 40 are advised to have their blood pressure checked at least every 5 years. Getting this done is easy and could save your life.
You can get your blood pressure tested at a number of places, including at our pharmacies. If you've not been diagnosed with high blood pressure and would like to get yours checked, contact or visit one of our branches.
If we find any potential signs of high blood pressure, we will refer you to your GP for further investigation and treatment if appropriate.
A simple blood test can help reduce your risk from some of the most serious conditions that typically show NO symptoms at all.
Blood screening is a medical process in which blood is scanned to test for a particular disease or condition. Although this procedure may be done for variety of reasons, the most common include Hepatitis screenings, pregnancy screenings, and screenings for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI). The use of a blood screenings may also be needed to check for things like Vitamin D levels and food intolerance.
It is known that food can cause many different types of reactions in the body. These may be evident in the skin (such as hives, rashes, itchiness, or swellings); the gut (such as reflux, vomiting, tummy pains, wind, diarrhoea, and constipation); when breathing (such as shortness of breath or a tight chest) or through generally feeling unwell. Some people put up with symptoms for years, which could get better if the foods causing these symptoms were cut out of the diet.
"Knowing what you're allergic to is key to managing your condition"
Finding out which foods are causing your symptoms can be straightforward for some people and incredibly tricky for others, dependent on what their symptoms are; how quickly the symptoms appear after eating a food; and which food (or foods) is causing a problem. We have partnered up with one of the largest independent providers of clinical laboratory diagnostic services in the UK. So that we provide our customers with the laboratory information required for diagnosis and treatment of medical disorders. Our blood screening service is painless, quick and carried out with the utmost discretion. The types of screenings offered at Bush Pharmacy are shown below, prices are heavily discounted with further discounts available on request. Please call us on 0208-7439254 or pop into the pharmacy for more information.
The Full STI test includes:
The Food Intolerance tests a complete intolerance profile including trees, weeds, grasses, moulds, animals as well as foods
We offer Chiropodist services from our consulting room. Contact us today to arrange your appointment with our Chiropodist.
Free Deliver
Make life easier for yourself and let us order your prescription on your behalf. Simply let us know what repeat medicines you need, a few days before they run out and we will arrange to collect it from your Doctor's surgery.
Discover our huge range of gifts, jewellery, perfumes and greeting cards. Find the perfect gift for every occasion. We have gifts to suit any style or budget whether it’s for someone special, a birthday, Christmas or just because....
MURs are an advanced service within the NHS community pharmacy contract. They involve a face-to-face consultation between our pharmacist and patient to discuss their prescribed and non-prescribed medicines.
An MUR involves carrying out a structured review of a patients medicine to help them understand why they are taking a medicine, how they should take it and to talk through any side effects they may be experiencing.
The review should help patients to:
Are you getting the best out of your medication? This pharmacy offers a free Medicines Use review service under the NHS. An ideal opportunity for you to discuss with the pharmacist any issues or concern you may have with your medication.
At Medipharmacy we understand the importance of good medicines management for your care home and the need for reliable pharmacy support.
We can provide a comprehensive service package, including a range of monitored dose systems. We can also offer:
- Free Training for carers/nurses- including face to face training or workbook training
- Free Medication Audits- twice/year or more often if support needed (e.g. for CQC inspection guidance)
- Range of MAR charts (including electronic MAR charts), and other administrative documents- e.g. Warfarin Charts, Cream Charts, etc.
- 20 branches- therefore improved availability of medication
- Free medication delivery service (including weekend deliveries)
- Equipment loans- e.g. Fridges, CD cabinets, medication trolleys for the duration of service
- Medicines dispensed by Award-Winning robot, therefore eliminating human error, with 99.9% accuracy in dispensing. Provided by Synergy Medical SynMedRX
Contact us to discuss Medipharmacy becoming your medication provider today!
We keep records of all your prescriptions dispensed by us as well as records of other services we provide to you. This helps us check for possible problems, such as reactions between medicines and will help us deal with any queries you may have. Our computer allows us to keep these records. We are registered with The Information Commissioners Office and comply with the Data Protection Act and the NHS code of practice on confidentiality. If you want to discuss the records we keep, please ask to speak to a member of staff or the pharmacist.
Prescription Dispensing
We recommend you consider getting a flub jab If you don't qualify for an NHS vaccination but are:
This service is available on a walk in basis without an appointment and there is a charge but please call the pharmacy first.
We can provide a supervised consumption service, usually in the private consultation room in the pharmacy.
We stock a popular range of vitamins and supplements aimed at nutrition, and women's and men's health.
Realising you have a problem with alcohol is the first big step to getting help.
You may need help if:
Getting the right support can be crucial to maintaining control in the future. Only relying on family, friends or carers for this often is not enough.
Ask our Pharmacist about what longer term support is available in your area. Self-help or mutual aid groups (groups such as AA or SMART Recovery groups) are accessible in most areas.
A pharmacist is another health expert you can turn to for asthma advice and support and you usually don't need an appointment. As well as your GP or asthma nurse, your local pharmacist is another highly trained healthcare professional who can answer questions about your asthma. If you have any concerns about your asthma, you can just walk into our pharmacy and ask to see the pharmacist.
This is useful because:
Ask the pharmacist how to get the best from your asthma medicines. You can ask your pharmacist about the asthma medicines you've been prescribed. This is useful if you have concerns about things like side effects, using your inhaler, or your inhaler not working properly.
You can also ask about any over-the-counter medicines you're taking to help your asthma, such as anti-histamines for hay fever.
Whether its preparing for the arrival of your newborn, or you already are a parent you will find everything you need in our mother and baby ranges. We have everything from nappies and baby wipes to shampoo shields, baby food and baby clothes.
We know being a parent can be challenging at times, if you need any help or advice please speak to our pharmacist.
Please call us or ask in-store for details.
Check your blood pressure
The only way of knowing whether you have high blood pressure is to have a blood pressure test.
All adults over 40 are advised to have their blood pressure checked at least every 5 years. Getting this done is easy and could save your life.
You can get your blood pressure tested at a number of places, including at our pharmacies. If you've not been diagnosed with high blood pressure and would like to get yours checked, contact or visit one of our branches.
If we find any potential signs of high blood pressure, we will refer you to your GP for further investigation and treatment if appropriate.
A simple blood test can help reduce your risk from some of the most serious conditions that typically show NO symptoms at all.
Blood screening is a medical process in which blood is scanned to test for a particular disease or condition. Although this procedure may be done for variety of reasons, the most common include Hepatitis screenings, pregnancy screenings, and screenings for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI). The use of a blood screenings may also be needed to check for things like Vitamin D levels and food intolerance.
It is known that food can cause many different types of reactions in the body. These may be evident in the skin (such as hives, rashes, itchiness, or swellings); the gut (such as reflux, vomiting, tummy pains, wind, diarrhoea, and constipation); when breathing (such as shortness of breath or a tight chest) or through generally feeling unwell. Some people put up with symptoms for years, which could get better if the foods causing these symptoms were cut out of the diet.
"Knowing what you're allergic to is key to managing your condition"
Finding out which foods are causing your symptoms can be straightforward for some people and incredibly tricky for others, dependent on what their symptoms are; how quickly the symptoms appear after eating a food; and which food (or foods) is causing a problem. We have partnered up with one of the largest independent providers of clinical laboratory diagnostic services in the UK. So that we provide our customers with the laboratory information required for diagnosis and treatment of medical disorders. Our blood screening service is painless, quick and carried out with the utmost discretion. The types of screenings offered at Bush Pharmacy are shown below, prices are heavily discounted with further discounts available on request. Please call us on 0208-7439254 or pop into the pharmacy for more information.
The Full STI test includes:
The Food Intolerance tests a complete intolerance profile including trees, weeds, grasses, moulds, animals as well as foods
We offer Chiropodist services from our consulting room. Contact us today to arrange your appointment with our Chiropodist.
Free Deliver
Make life easier for yourself and let us order your prescription on your behalf. Simply let us know what repeat medicines you need, a few days before they run out and we will arrange to collect it from your Doctor's surgery.
Discover our huge range of gifts, jewellery, perfumes and greeting cards. Find the perfect gift for every occasion. We have gifts to suit any style or budget whether it’s for someone special, a birthday, Christmas or just because....
MURs are an advanced service within the NHS community pharmacy contract. They involve a face-to-face consultation between our pharmacist and patient to discuss their prescribed and non-prescribed medicines.
An MUR involves carrying out a structured review of a patients medicine to help them understand why they are taking a medicine, how they should take it and to talk through any side effects they may be experiencing.
The review should help patients to:
Are you getting the best out of your medication? This pharmacy offers a free Medicines Use review service under the NHS. An ideal opportunity for you to discuss with the pharmacist any issues or concern you may have with your medication.
At Medipharmacy we understand the importance of good medicines management for your care home and the need for reliable pharmacy support.
We can provide a comprehensive service package, including a range of monitored dose systems. We can also offer:
- Free Training for carers/nurses- including face to face training or workbook training
- Free Medication Audits- twice/year or more often if support needed (e.g. for CQC inspection guidance)
- Range of MAR charts (including electronic MAR charts), and other administrative documents- e.g. Warfarin Charts, Cream Charts, etc.
- 20 branches- therefore improved availability of medication
- Free medication delivery service (including weekend deliveries)
- Equipment loans- e.g. Fridges, CD cabinets, medication trolleys for the duration of service
- Medicines dispensed by Award-Winning robot, therefore eliminating human error, with 99.9% accuracy in dispensing. Provided by Synergy Medical SynMedRX
Contact us to discuss Medipharmacy becoming your medication provider today!
We keep records of all your prescriptions dispensed by us as well as records of other services we provide to you. This helps us check for possible problems, such as reactions between medicines and will help us deal with any queries you may have. Our computer allows us to keep these records. We are registered with The Information Commissioners Office and comply with the Data Protection Act and the NHS code of practice on confidentiality. If you want to discuss the records we keep, please ask to speak to a member of staff or the pharmacist.
Prescription Dispensing
We recommend you consider getting a flub jab If you don't qualify for an NHS vaccination but are:
This service is available on a walk in basis without an appointment and there is a charge but please call the pharmacy first.
We can provide a supervised consumption service, usually in the private consultation room in the pharmacy.
We stock a popular range of vitamins and supplements aimed at nutrition, and women's and men's health.